Sifirgibi Makine, which allows you to buy second-hand machines on the internet, helps you easily reach the machine that suits your business and purpose at the price you want through the "Auction" method. To buy a machine from through the "Auction" method, you must first become a member of our site in just a few steps.
How to submit a bid for open auction on
To submit a bid for the machines, first you need to activate the participation fee which is set for the machine that is going to be on auction. You can deposit this fee to Sifirgibimakine official bank accounts by providing your company information and the deposit fee. The participation fee will be refunded to your account in case you do not purchase the machine or cancel your bid. Once the participation fee is paid, you can submit bids of 200, 500 or 1,000 USD/Euro for the machine you like. For detailed process, click on How it Works section.